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Villa 16. jahrhundert im palladianischen Stil 50 km von Venedig
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Villa 16. jahrhundert im palladianischen Stil 50 km von Venedig

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1.964x Angesehen 27.Oct 2019 Beobachten

Majestic Venetian villa for sale within easy driving distance to Venice and the Adriatic coast.This majestic Venetian villa dates back to the second half of the 16th century and was built according to Palladian patterns, with flights of decorative stairs embellished by statues and leading to the main entrance gate which is surmounted by the coat of arms.

The facade is characterised by Ionic-style columns and completed with other decorative patterns complying with classical architectural themes, while the inner walls of part of the halls contain frescoes by a master of the Italian Renaissance, namely a pupil of Veronese. The paintings evoke Byblical themes, as well as mythological scenes and allegories.

The property is located in a renowned spa town within easy driving distance from numerous places and cities of major interest both in the leisure- and cultural perspective, such as Venice, Padua, Verona and lake Garda, the Alps to the North, Cortina d'Ampezzo and a great deal of seaside resorts (Jesolo, Caorle, Bibione, just to name a few), to the South.

The main house has more than 30 rooms and 7 baths, while in the rest of the estate there are approximately one hundred rooms for a total built-area adding up to ca.6.500sq.m.

The fenced grounds of the estate cover an overall surface of 20.000sq.m. and include a garden with orchards, barns, a dovecote tower and a thermal water well, which was partly damaged durign the Second World War.

Additionally on the estate there is also a consecrated private chapel and a vast archive of documents about the history of the area.

According to the local planning regulations the following uses are allowed: residential, hospitality, offices, but also care home or clinic.

As a consequence the property could be reconverted into a boutique hotel or similar leisure facility. Needless to say that both its indoor and outdoor areas provide an ideal setting also for organizing private celebrations, corporate events, seminars and conventions, exhibitions, etc.

For further information please contact: [email protected]

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