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Personalized Internet Assessor- Austria (German Language)
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Personalized Internet Assessor- Austria (German Language)

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4.761x Angesehen 03.Sep 2019 Beobachten
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Are you looking for a job that gives you the opportunity to work for one of America's top 100 most trusted companies and so while increasing your income from the comfort of your home? Then why not join Lionbridge as a part-time Independent Contractor. We are currently recruiting for the role of Personalized Internet Assessor in Austria.


What does the job involve?

In this job you will be reviewing online results in order to improve their content and quality. They are required to provide feedback and analysis on content in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this role is to review the results by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance.

Through this work you will make a positive contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web. You want to play a part in the quality of one of the largest search engines in the world using both your pc and required smartphone device.

Who is suitable for this job?

We are currently looking for dynamic and creative people who have a social media interest. We require a person to use a smartphone - Android or iPhone - and have a familiarity with social media and Google products  You should therefore be flexible, reliable and have the ability to interpret and follow established guidelines.

You want to have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. Hours for this role are a minimum of 10 up to 20 hours per week depending on task availability. We are currently seeking people who have a specific smartphone device (Android 4.1 or higher or iPhone 4S or higher) to complete tasks. 


What are the main requirements for the job?


  • You must be fluent in written and verbal English and German
  • You must be living in Austria for the past 5 consecutive years
  • You must own and use a smartphone (Android V4.1 or higher or iPhone V4S or higher) to complete tasks.
  • The majority of the task types both require a desktop / laptop and a smartphone
  • Gmail must be your primary email account

· Active daily user of Gmail other forms of social media.

· You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sports, news, social media and cultural affairs in Austria

  • Accessing and using a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all at your own expense
  • Experience using web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content


What's next?

Do not delay! Submit your application using the desktop pc / laptop and be a member of our recruitment team to review your application.


http://goo.gl/OOvMkr" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/OOvMkr" class="ql-align-center">

One member per household


Like us on http://goo.gl/OOvMkr" target="_blank">Facebook & Follow us on http://goo.gl/OOvMkr" target="_blank">Twitterhttp://goo.gl/OOvMkr" target="_blank" style="color: windowtext;"> http://goo.gl/OOvMkr" target="_blank" style="color: windowtext;"> 


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