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4-Sterne-Hotel in Bibione in der Nähe des Strandes
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4-Sterne-Hotel in Bibione in der Nähe des Strandes

4.500.000 € VB
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1.858x Angesehen 06.Mar 2020 Beobachten

  • 4-star hotel for sale in Bibione, internationally-acclaimed sea resort approx.100 km from Venice
  • Location of the property: within easy walking distance to the beach
  • Overall floorspace area: 1726 m2 arranged on 6 floors (5 above-ground + basement)
  • Land plot area: approx.1000 m2
  • Year of construction: 1970
  • Latest renovation works: the building underwent thorough renovation in 1985 and 2002; in recent years the following works were carried out: boiler replacement in 2013, renovation of the swimming pool in 2014, renovation of the common areas and rooms between 2015-2019; in 2014 the hotel received the Fire Safety Certificate
  • Number of rooms: 49
  • Accommodation capacity: up to 91 beds (can be increased up to 130)
  • According to the current legislation there would be the possibility of extend the area of the building with additional 510 m2 of floorspace area, which would allow to increase the accommodation capacity and to create a wellness-area (a preliminary feasibility study has already been drawn up)
  • The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool, a garage with 37 parking spaces as well as outdoor parking
  • To date the hotel opens for an average of 4-5 months per year (from May till September) but it's possible to work also on the occasion of private celebrations and corportate events as well as during the Christmas holidays
  • Customer base: most of the customers are families from Germany and Austria (ca.60%), with a strong component of domestic (Italian) customers and an increasing number of guests from Eastern and Northern Europe
  • Asking price: 4,500,000 EUR (there is an outstanding loan with the possibility of take-over for the buyer)
  • For further information please contact: [email protected]

Anzeigenummer: 1044935 Diese Anzeige melden
30020 Bibione
Zeige Route
Alessandro Alessio Immobilienmakler
Mitglied seit: 27.10.2019

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